When one investigates the reasons why art and nature appeals to so many people, there are a variety of reasons. Ask yourself, what draws your eye into the picture? Is it just the colors? Lack of color? Is it the placement of the subject? Have you ever thought about the ratio and placement of what the artist is trying to convey?
The Fibonacci Sequence is a sequence of numbers, such that when they are added, they create a sequence. For example:
0+1 = 1
1+1 = 2
1+2 = 3
2+3 = 5
3+5 = 8
This gives us the beginning sequence of 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on. Well, Fibonacci sequence is related to the Golden Ratio which is
related to a number called
Phi. Many of us are already familiar with Pi and the decimal value associated with it, 3.1415, and know that this number is unending. Phi is very similar with a never-ending number, 1.618.
So far, we have only seen whole numbers and decimals. I think the pictures in nature will help us see these ratios better.
Pascal's Triangle relates to the Fibonacci Sequence! |
Even very cool fractals follow the pattern! |
And weather patterns? Non-linear dynamics! |
This ratio can help us understand how to play piano better. |
So why is it important to find these natural patterns? What do they have to do with anything? Plenty! The US only produces 6% of the engineers this country hires every year. We need more engineers! The better we understand these ratios as they apply every facet of our lives, the easier it will be to become more creative in problem solving. The most important trait necessary in any industry today! If you are interested, visit the website I linked in this blog post for more information about how the Golden Ratio works. The material is more geared toward high school and community college levels. Enjoy!