It’s difficult, as a student, to
keep yourself from procrastinating when it comes to homework. I, myself, seem
to get caught in the trap of waiting to the last minute to get assignments
done. And yet, we all kick ourselves when we do procrastinate because of the
added stress of time and worry about lack of quality in the assignment you have
to turn in. So what leads, even the best students, to procrastinate?
Distractions: television, Facebook, friends, family, pets, work,
Special events: family gatherings, get together with friends, and
other events
Here are a few tips on what to do when you find yourself in the
procrastination sand trap.
§ Break down large tasks into
chunks. Spending hours on one thing is going to cause brain fry.
Working on parts of the project will give you a sense of accomplishment and
good feelings.
§ Use a timer. Allow
yourself breaks during studying to spend some time on yourself. But set a
timer. When it goes off, get back to work. If you think you will ignore your
timer, use a small egg timer and put it next to your homework. It will force
you to face the issue. And since you are in front of it, you might as well do
§ Change your attitude. Write
down why you don’t want to do your school work. Talk to a friend. Why are you
avoiding it to begin with? Once you understand your lack of motivation, you can
overcome it.
§ Form a study session with
classmates. Misery loves company, so you might as well get your
homework done with a buddy. Group sessions can be
good for students who have apathy issues or learning problems. Not every
teacher can reach every student but having a friend or two that understands or
can show the material in a different way might help.
§ Change your study atmosphere. If you find
yourself getting distracted at home, head to a coffee shop or the library. With
that said, there are some places I find too distracting to study in. Experiment
and see what works for you.
§ Hire a tutor. Tutors have been
through what every student has been through before. We can help you set up a
study schedule and train you how to study better. Plus, we will hold you
accountable. We will reteach the material in the way you learn it. One-to-one and small group
tutoring will help the student change their attitude about
schoolwork and make it seem more enjoyable!
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